12.5 Days of Liberation

Gift Packages


Thank you for committing to liberation with your donation to Transformative Change (XC). Please select the gift package of your choice below.

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Pillar 1 Package: Contemplative Approach


○ Out of the Hand | Vancouver Avenue 1st Baptist Church, Portland

In the honor of the 400th year since the arrival of chattel slavery, Rev. angel takes a seat with us to outline how despite our out of the hand conditions, our innate impulse for freedom is how we move from emancipation to liberation.

○ One Point, Five Minds: Rev. angel’s Warrior Way

Get in on this one-time, impromptu invitation where Rev. angel’s shares a window into principles that underlie her Point Practice and the ancient origins of her emergent style from her practices of yoga to martial arts.

○ Grow Up to Wake Up | Conspire Conference w/ Father Richard Rohr

Contemplation is a practice of being ready. Ready for? Follow along as Rev. angel explains how we become ready, practice through contemplation and become good guests on our journey of awareness + practice.

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Pillar 2 Package: Embodied Practice


○ The Embodiment Talk | Embodied Social Justice Summit

In case you have any doubts about the necessity of being in your body for liberation, Rev. angel cuts through them with the sharp sword of fierce compassion and unbridled love of justice for all.

○ Embodied Practice w/ Rev. angel & Dr. Jasmine Syedullah | RevUP for Liberation

In this unreleased RevUP conversation, Rev. angel and Dr. Syedullah talk about the sociopathy and fugitivity that inhabit our actions and inactions when we are not in a practice of inhabiting our own bodies.

○ Centering in Presence Practice | Practices of Belonging Workshop

Get the crowning jewel of the practices Rev. angel offers to touch into presence anywhere, anytime. Taught to thousands in-person and virtually.

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Pillar 3 Package: Prophetic Praxis


○ RDx: Embracing Race, Love and Liberation | 2020 San Francisco Zen Center

Join Abbess Fu Schroeder & Rev. angel for a dharma talk exploring what a “Radical Dharma” really means in light of our aspiration to live for the benefit of all beings.

○ Vision for a New America | Shift Vision 2020 Summit

Speaking to the times as it unfolds now, Rev. angel profoundly states the praxis and vision of a New America that leaves no one behind and supports thriving for all living beings.

○ RDx: Towards a More Radical Dharma | 2021 San Francisco Zen Center

Speaking from historical context, embodied practice and a commitment to radical candor, Abbess Fu Schroeder & Rev. angel speak to the necessary conditions for creating an enlightened society for all - together.

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Pillar 4 Package: Liberatory Path


○ The Subtle Call to Your Own Humanity | half/day SIT: July 2021

During this half/day SIT talk Rev. angel unfolds how we extend ourselves past the boundaries of normal life & how we HEAR the subtle call of our humanity + return.

○ How Good People Let Bad Things Happen & The Truth Needed to Reclaim Connection | The Reckoning - Nov. 2016 [AUDIO]

In the aftermath of the In Nov. 2016 election results, Rev. angel invited “The Reckoning,” a collective conversation on what's needed to move forward, the hidden truth you need to know about race, what radical responsibility means in times of challenge and the skills & practices we need to reclaim connection.

○ Radical Dharma Conversation | Shambhala - Atlanta

An exclusive live recording from one of the 1st Radical Dharma collective conversation “workshop spaces” at Shambhala-Atlanta, home to one of the four conversations that comprised the dialogues written into Radical Dharma: Talking Love, Race and Liberation.

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Pillar 5 Package: Collective Process


○ Collective Process w/ Rev. angel & Resmaa Menakem | RevUP for Liberation

Drop in for some liberation R&R as Rev. angel & Resmaa Menakem speak to varying parts of the collective conversation + the freedom bursts of liberation.

○ Love, Justice & Responsibility | Mindful Relationship Summit

Rev. angel walks us through how justice is the measure of our love, her one word meaning of meditation and how when we ignore injustice we are actually ignoring our own humanity, thus denying ourselves the fundamental value of our sense of being.

○ The People’s Inauguration - Day 8 | 10 Days to Activate Revolutionary Love

What is required of us in the birth of a new America? Listen as Rev. angel unfolds the push that is necessary and that we all need.

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