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Real Change Begins With You



Spring 2019 Season Coming soon:


YOU Want to Change The World

But like many of us, you sometimes find yourself at a loss: things that you would like to see change in your own life feel stuck. How can you change the world outside if you haven't changed your world inside?

There are trainings to get better at leadership, management, organizing, design, name it. But there is no training to simply be a better you.


Until now. 

Designed for activists, allies & agents of social change, 27 Days of Change brings a focused "practice period" of daily inner work training to the midst of our fast-paced, modern lives. This 6-point, 360-degree personal change program—done online, from wherever you are—helps you examine your relationship to yourself, your community and the world.

Want mindfulness that matters?

Join the movement to use inner change to create real social change.
transform the world from inside out.

Here & Now.

Why Do So Many People Want to Change...
...and yet so many FAIL to follow through?


Want Real Change?

Focus on what you want to have in your life, rather than what you want to go away. It's often said that studies of human behavior say it takes 21 days to introduce a new habit. Well, that's not quite true. What IS true is that’s how long it takes to begin transitioning old memory patterns to new ones. 

Designed by a master trainer, 27 Days of Change was created with that, and you, in mind. 
Practice new habits. Get new ways of being.


Three Pillars of ZenChangeTM

pilĀ·lar: Ėˆ/pilər/ noun. a person or thing regarded as reliably providing
essential support for something.

Featuring the 3 Essential Elements for Mastering Change

Guidance & Mentorship

With nearly 25 years experience bringing together deep personal and collective practice for social transformation, creator angel Kyodo williams, the “change angel” knows what gets in the way of change—and how to overcome it. Her own rigorous training and practice as a Zen teacher, activist, author and thought leader prepares her to deliver the guidance you need to help you be the best you.

Instruction & Time-Tested Design

Simple but powerful, 27 Days of Change is based on ancient guidelines, grounded in cutting edge research for people like you that are dedicated to helping others. It was specifically designed to support people near and far that want to commit to personal change, but don't have the time to put their lives aside to do so. Since 2006, hundreds of people have made dramatic changes in their lives following this exact program.

Now you can, too.

Supportive Community

You're not in this alone! Any kind of real change needs to happen in a supportive container. You choose the level of support you need: from a self-driven Do-It-Yourself model, to Weekly Group Coaching calls and Private Facebook Community engagement, to the powerful 1-to-1 Personal Precision ZenChange(tm) coaching angel developed based on the famous Zen face-to-face interview. Be seen & heard and get your questions answered. We'll be with you all the way.

1st Pillar:
Guidance & Mentorship

Learn to Master Change from a Master of Change

With nearly 25 years experience bringing together deep personal and collective practice for social transformation, creator angel Kyodo williams, the “change angel” knows what gets in the way of change—and how to overcome it. Her own rigorous training and practice as a Zen teacher, activist, author and thought leader prepares her to deliver the guidance you need to help you be the best you.

Get A System for Change: Deep Work, Not Guesswork

Simple but powerful, 27 Days of Change is based on ancient guidelines for people like you that are dedicated to helping others, but it's also  grounded in cutting edge, evidence-based research, so you can do deep work because nobody has time for guesswork.

The system is specifically designed to support people near and far that want to commit to personal change, but don't have time to put their lives aside. Since 2006, many hundreds of people have made dramatic changes following this exact program.

Now you can, too.

2nd Pillar:
Instruction and Time-Tested Design

Six Spheres of Intention ā€” 360 Degree Training For Your Life

Generosity & Gratitude

An open heart is the most precious generator of the energy needed to take up the challenge of changing the world. It's the precursor of resilience and essential for true leadership. Practicing generosity makes the heart muscle strong, resilient and more available for the things you care about most.

Ethics & Harm Reduction

Bring your life into greater alignment with your purpose and values through deeper cultivation of self-responsibility and integrity. We use The Five Warrior Trainings—a compilation of all basic ethical and spiritual codes—to provide fundamental values alignment. Reducing our footprint moves us closer to being in right relationship with the planet.

Patience & Reclaiming Relationship

We all have a relationship in our lives that we would like to reclaim. Whether with an estranged parent, friend or part of our selves, the virtue of patience, coupled with the powerful lens of the Four Actions, empowers us to reframe and re-examine connections that have been frayed or lost so that we may once again find wholeness.

Effort & Behavior Change

With nearly 25 years experience bringing together deep personal and collective practice for social transformation, creator angel Kyodo williams, the “change angel” knows what gets in the way of change—and how to overcome it. Her own rigorous training and practice as a Zen teacher, activist, author and thought leader prepares her to deliver the guidance you need to help you be the best you.


Meditation & Personal Practice

Whether it's 5 minutes a day or an hour, it all adds up. Build relationship with yourself, your community and the earth through meditation. Powerful expert guidance makes it easy. Have a beloved practice that you'd like to become more committed to? Yoga. Centering Prayer. Jo Kata. Focusing. If it brings you closer to your self...Bring It!

Wisdom & Study

Focus on a topic at the intersection of deep personal practice and social transformation, create a vision board or write your personal theory of change to clarify, strengthen and deepen your commitments. You'll also get to select a Personal Challenge to focus on an area completely specific to your needs. Discover the Wisdom that already lives within you.

3rd Pillar:
Supportive Community

You Are The Company You Keep

You're not in this alone! Any kind of real change needs to happen in a supportive container. You choose the level of support you need: from a self-driven Do-It-Yourself model, to Weekly Group Coaching calls and Private Facebook Community engagement, to the powerful 1-to-1 Personal Precision ZenChange(tm) coaching angel developed based on the famous Zen face-to-face interview. Be seen & heard and get your questions answered. We'll be with you all the way.











3 Different Paths to Support Your Success

Select The Path Of Practice That Aligns With Your Current Support Needs And Style
NEW!!! Payment Plans Available - Pay 1/2 now, 1/2 later on honor system: We trust and believe in you!


"Integration Path"

$ 108


  • NEW: 6-point Intention Worksheet
  • NEW: EXCLUSIVE Intention Alignment Custom Tool
  • NEW: Printable Personal Intentions Agreement
  • Instructional Online Q&A
  • LIVEcast "Becoming Change" Opening Ceremony
  • Virtual Community & "Digital Dojo" Access
  • Daily Quotes of Inspiration & Reflection
  • Weekly Instructional Talks
  • NEW: Video Intros to Talks
  • Streaming Audio & Video


"Hero Path"


Group Wisdom

  • Everything from Integration Path plus...
  • NEW: Downloadable PDF Worksheets
  • Review of Intention Agreement by Experienced Mentor
  • Weekly ZenChangeTM
    Community Coaching
    Live Calls & Recordings
  • UPGRADED: Private Facebook Group Community Support
  • Download Vault Access to Transcripts, Audio & Video 
  • Impressive e-Certificate
    of Completion
  • Opportunity to Join "Change Seat" to Workshop Your Challenge in Community


"Warrior Path"


Personal Support

  • Everything from Hero Path...
  • NEW: Personal Feedback on Intention Agreement
  • NEW: Exclusive Expert Sessions 
  • 20-minute ZenChangeTM
    Precision 1-to-1  Personal Mentor-Coaching Live Video Call Package
  • NEW: 1 Full Season (3 months) ZenChangeTM "Ango" Coaching
  • Multiple Formats of Audio & Video for Desktop/iPhones/iPads/
    Tablets, etc.
  • Impressive Printed & Signed Certificate of Completion
  • NEW: Evergreen Season Access to All Content 
  • Opportunity to Join "Change Seat" to Workshop Your Challenge in Community
  • Rare opportunity to upgrade to Dragon-Warrior path for one-to-one ZenChangeTM Coaching with angel Kyodo williams. Only 8 available.

How the Program Works

Walk through how this time-tested, skillfully designed, evidence-based 360-degree "reclaim your life" program works:

Set Your Intentions

Making a clear agreement with yourself is the foundation of your training. Once you’ve registered, you’ll fill out the Six Spheres of Intention form. Think of it as six lenses through which to look at different spheres that govern how you show up in life.

Daily Reflection

A live webcast Opening Ceremony kicks things off. Then, each day for 27 days, you get reminders to keep you on track and tuned in. Daily Quotes and Queries bring greater perspective and help you discover your deeper truths.

Weekly Instruction

Twice a week, receive teachings on each of the Six Spheres of Intention. The short, potent talks are usually an hour or less from a master coach on life and teacher of liberation. Integration days makes sure you have time to take it in...and get a break.

Private Facebook Group

More Facebook? Yes. Our private Group is like having your own personal change cheerleading section. Meet people from all walks of life and all over the world that are walking the same path and invested in supporting your growth.

ZenChangeTM Group and One-to-One Coaching

Amp up your engagement and deepen your support system by choosing the power of coaching as an option. Get specific support for exactly what you're working with in your life right now.

Closing Ceremony

At the end of the 27 Days, we mark our time together with a Closing Ceremony and a transition period to reflect and solidify your learning. When you’re done, get a certificate to celebrate your achievement: the commitment you made to you.

Here's What You Get...

You Benefit From This Array Of Program Materials

video introductions - NEW
re-recorded audio - NEW
choose your guide - NEW
optional support materials
 more benefits to come
more benefits to come
more benefits to come

Why This Matters

We can find greater alignment in our lives by setting a clear intention to practice with intensity for a set period of time. This creates space for the deepened commitment, rigor, and yes, sacrifice, we associate with long retreats, and maybe even monks!

But not everyone can go on long retreats like a monk, so 27 Days of Change is designed to help you accomplish change in the midst of your life…where it is most useful, where it truly matters. At the end of the day, we all want to have lived a life that matters.


"The meditation instruction was a huge breakthrough for me. Iā€™m just now finally getting into short meditation sessions. Itā€™s hard going to make the time and bring the energy. But the rewards are great! "

Dav Clark
Multiple Season Practitioner, Maryland

"Community is the new guru. "

Kristin Miscall-Banon
Psychotherapist, New Jersey

"It surprised me getting out of mental crises so quick... "

Nette Urban Sky
Dipl. Kulturdesign, Germany

"Process and organization of the intentions followed by carefully designed support that had a deep and broad path of exploration."

Winter 2015 Practitioner

"Most useful was making a commitment to practicing with some of my stuck places. The FB group helped me to feel I wasnā€™t alone with my commitment. Peopleā€™s comments were helpful. Meeting some practitioners through image and/or voice (in group coaching) was also helpful."

Lauren T.
Brooklyn, NY

"I was surprised by how illuminating and useful it was to separate the different (intentions) and focus on just one at a time with a concrete activity on a particular day for a specific amount of time in the place of my habitual vague muddle."

Nan Eisenberg
Retired longtime Community Arts Coordinator, Cleveland Museum of Art, OH


Master Trainer, Coach & 27 Days Creator

angel Kyodo williams is widely regarded as the most well-known voice for Transformative Change: living, loving and leading personal and societal change from the inside out. She's trained thousands of people from all walks of life. A Zen priest and teacher, Rev. angel designed 27 Days of Change and the ZenChange Coaching methodology using her unique insight into what gives people the greatest access to a truly liberated life.

Practice Leader & ZenChange Coach

Svani Grevemeyer has been studying, training and co-facilitating with Rev. angel for over 10 years. She is actively engaged in deconstructing racism and white supremacy through co-leading embRACE Training (embodied Race). For six years, she has been holding down practice leadership for 27 Days of Change and the offline Practice Period to support individuals in accessing their whole selves.

"I was surprised by how much actual change this program engendered in my busy, busy life. Holy crap this is some strong medicine."

Autumn Leonard
Multiple Season Practitioner, Brooklyn, NY

"Thanks for the 27 days of change, y'all! The 27 days program was a gentle, consistent reminder to stay true to my path. At times I was frustrated and wanted more. At times I was overwhelmed and wanted to quit. But I feel different than when I started. More embodied. More efficient. And more certain that Love will win out, no matter where it takes me. Jai Mitra!"

Chris Cole

"I studied meditation for three months before and this is by far the most stable I've ever felt in posture. Really clear instruction. Thank you"

Candace White

"These explanations of near and far enemies are so helpful to understanding myself -- and my entire life's worth of relationships -- and what my practice is. Thank you for offering them."

Anastasia Higginbotham

"Terrific stuff. I always thought these "Six Perfections" were some esoteric practice. The word "perfections" scared me as stuff that I would never achieve. I have said to myself, "Forget them...let me just plod along and try to improve my life, fix my hang-ups, "try" to be a better person, in my own disorganized way." Although at 70, deep down, I knew it wouldn't happen. Now I see a helpful, structured approach."

Warren Burrows

"Been a practitioner and even instructed others in meditation, and I picked up a thing or two from this talk. And I have said something similar, but never so perfectly as this: "Meditation is the dance between the noisy distracted mind and point. Meditation is the willingness to make the journey from other than point to back to point again. That's meditation. So as long as you remain willing to go back from other than point back to point, you are doing meditation. ... As long as, when you notice that you're other than point, you bring it back, you are doing meditation."

Deborah Elms

"The most fundamental natural ethic is the morality of being in balance. As a mother, a civil rights attorney, and community caregiver/activist - this really hit me. A great reminder that being in balance is resistance in and of itself. Fighting like hell from a place of love and fearlessness. Retreat - fight - retreat - fight. I'm longing for my first real meditation retreat, personally. But each day I tune in here is a step."

Molly Peach Matter

"I feel my practice envelopes me on many different levels, in all different ways. The practice allows me to notice, as instances unfold, and decide to heal and do things differently with my sadness, anger, irritation, and excitement states. Through practice I can switch the tapes and continue in a new place of now, breathing, wisdom of home. With the death of my mother, relationship to family members, friends, political work, I am bringing my practice to all..."

Virginia Sorgi

You can be our next success story

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is the time commitment required to participate?

A: Like anything the more you put INTO it, the more you'll get OUT of it. At a minimum, plan on 10-15 minutes a day to read and digest the daily prompts, no more than an hour twice a week to watch & listen to two intros and thematic talks, and another hour per week for the community coaching call if you've signed up for the Hero or Warrior Paths. You'll do well even if you miss a day or two or three and catch up. If you can set aside an hour per day, you'll do exceptionally well and are pretty much guaranteed amazing progress.

Q: What’s the difference between weekly recorded group coaching and weekly live coaching?
A: The difference between is direct engagement and being able to bring YOUR concerns during for live coaching or watching and learning from how the coaches responds to others that have questions like your and unlike yours. Both experiences are valuable. The question is: "do you want a seat at the table?"

Q: Great. if I opt for the weekly live group coaching - what day and time is it?
A: Live ZenChange Community coaching calls takes place on Sundays, 11am-12pm Eastern (8am-9am Pacific, 4pm-5pm London)

Q: What if I can't make that time, can I still participate?
A: We record the calls every week and post them within a few hours so you can participate according to your schedule. If you have questions that come up and you're on the supported Hero or Warrior Paths, you can always reach out in the Private Facebook Group.

Q: I have a retreat/vacation/engagement right in the middle of the 27 days, can I still participate?
A: Yes! You'll receive the emails during the week you are gone, & can review at your convenience. Join us again when you are 'back' right where we are. No need to do 'catch up' - just drop in where you are.

Q: Can I upgrade later/after I register?
A: Yes. up until the first Sunday after program begins. (After the first coaching call)

Q: Hey...I was here some other time and the prices were lower. Why did you raise them?
A: After 10 years of sharing the program and 5 years online and  2 years in our current format, we kept adding features and upgrading the training while the cost stayed flat. While admirable, it was no longer sustainable and we want to practice the self-care Rev. angel speaks of often during the training. The new pricing allows us to be generously present AND cover our costs. 

Q: I really want to join but I can't afford that right now. Can you help?
A: Yes. We now have a payment plan that lets you pay 1/2 up front and 1/2 30 days later for whatever path you choose. (Add-ons not included.)

Q: The price is out of my reach even with the payment plan. Have any other options?
A: Yes, glad you asked. You can sign up for the "zen special" a minimal plan for a minimal cost. For $27, you'll get your Intention Form, Daily Quotes, and access to Talks. If you have questions, our support staff will respond. 

Q: I'm having trouble registering. What should I do?

  1. Don't PANIC! We'll work this out.
  2. One 'feature' of the platform we are using is that it remembers you. If you are having trouble registering (& particularly if this is your second attempt) -- try opening a Private window (see below) & then returning to the registration window.

  3. If this didn't help you, send an email to: [email protected] & we'll get back to you as quickly as we can.


Q: I have another question you haven't thought of. Can you answer that?
Ask it here: We'll get back to you ASAP.


"I was always looking outside myself for confidence and strength but it comes from within; it is there all the time."

ā€”Anna Freud

50% Complete

Almost there - Webinar, that is

Make sure you let the email goddesses know you're a YES for more info  (Live Q&A Webinar on Change, anyone?) by clicking the link you get in your email.